Friday, 1 March 2013

Theatre of Ideas, Practitioners, STANISLAVSKI

Theatre of Ideas:
·         Acting Practitioner
·         Born in Russia 1863 in Moscow
·         Was a n actor but has become a director/teacher
·         Developed a new approach to acting.
·         As an Actor he saw a lot of bad acting
·         He termed this as ‘Artificial’
·         Wanted actors to work on characters from the inside
·         Making it a true/real performance

·         The STANISLAVASKI System is an intense character development process:

  • Strives to make a performance ‘real'
  • Bring an actor’s experiences into the role
  • Expand an actor’s imagination

The System:
·         Believed that to make a character true, the character must be approached from the inside.
·         That means drawing on the real inside life of the actor.
·         Drawing on memories
·         The actor also has to create the inside life of the character
·         Back  Story’s/Beliefs/’I am’/’I want’

Given Circumstances:
·         The given circumstances are the character details in the script
·         What has the playwright told us
·         Location of the play
·         Time/Period/what Year is it set
·         People in the play?

Stanislavski and Design:
·         He liked Naturalism on stage
·         Items on stage are ‘no more than’, ‘Life like’, ‘’Outside in’

(To create a set or costume for a Stanislavski style you would need to do a great deal of research, things should be as they would be in real life.)
YouTube Links:
Actors Discuss: Stanislavski Acting Methods: 

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